Zinnia Nishikawa


Many years ago, Zinnia Nishikawa (b.1963) discovered her drawing abilities by chance during a random doodling session. She found that her hand and pencil guided her to what she deemed to be, a place of mystery and imagination. Since then, she feels drawing has been with her like a shadow: always there. She feels that the mysterious force behind her drawing is her subconscious mind.

Nishikawa finds the developmental process of each drawing intriguing, like playing a puzzle game. A line here, a mark there - seemingly senseless and unrelated on their own, but as the whole progresses, pieces begin to unfold and they all come together to form a fascinating image. Although she occasionally uses colour in her drawings, she prefers to work with a single black pencil as she feels this allows the drawing process to flow smoothly.

You would likely recognise fish, birds, reptiles, and on occasion, mysterious symbols and languages in Nishikawa’s work. Like many aspects of her art, its orientation can be perceived differently because she constantly turns the paper throughout the drawing process, with the final orientation remaining ambiguous. Her work is now in the College of Psychic Studies in London and the Collection of Mediumistic Art in Germany.


2019 Visions of Wonder, College of Psychic Studies, London

2018 Outsider Art Show, Almost Art Project, Beijing

2018 Rings Around the Moon, Cavin Morris Gallery, New York

2017 Edgewalkers and World Builders, Cavin Morris Gallery, New York

2016 Encounters with the Spirit World, College of Psychic Studies, London


Alfred Neumayr


Koji Nishioka