Koji Nishioka


Koji Nishioka was born in 1970 and has been attending the Atelier Corners art studio in Japan since 20015. He loves music and he reproduces music scores, although a piano player may not easily read them. He avoids distraction when creating by not listening to music, but he will hum songs as he draws. It seems there is always music in his head.

As Nishioka’s astigmatism worsens in his left eye, the compositions of his musical score drawings move further to the right. He draws freely, and there is sometimes the idea that the full score won’t fit, but Nishioka somehow ensures it always all fits to the page. The majority of his works are produced in black and white, although he experiments occasionally with colour, and it takes him about three days to complete a piece. Nishioka’s works are in the abcd collection in Paris, France, and he has had his work exhibited in Japan, Los Angeles USA, Prague and Paris.


2018 Japon: Un autre regard, Collection de l'Art Brut, Switzerland

2018 Big-i Art Project: Spread Our Common Sense, VESSEL02, Hong Kong

2016 Nama Ato: Japanese Outsider Art, touring exhibition, U.K.

2014 abcd collection Art-Brut Exhibition, La Maison Rouge Gallery, Paris

2014 Paris-Osaka Sensibilite' Instinctive Exhibition, In Between Art Gallery, Paris


Zinnia Nishikawa


Guillaume Paps