Guillaume Paps


Guillaume Paps (b.1990) from Belgium is a young multi-faceted artist. His universe is intense and seems to have no limits whatsoever in painting, drawing or in theatre. He has attended the Créahm workshops in Liège since 2011. Paps’ paintings and drawings are characterised by a fluid and loose line, which seems to be the result of a unique and continuous gesture. These fine or thick lines overlap and intertwine to create silhouettes and faces. Sometimes the figures get lost in an interlacing décor and the eyes multiply and create portraits in the portrait. The expressions of the faces are as if frozen and there emerges a form of sadness and melancholy which reinforces the use of dark shades; the drawings are generally in black and white in felt pen an Indian ink. Sometimes, sparingly, colourful touches appear in the composition. Pop culture, pop stars, fashion and the universe of Star Wars influence Paps. He sometimes creates more personal works addressing different themes such as Down's syndrome, maternity, the music group in which he plays and his life at Créahm. 


2019 En piste! Galeries et centres d’art s’exposent au musée, la Boverie, Liège, Belgium

2018 7 artistes du Creahm, PavArt, Centre Culturel de Marchin, Belgium


Koji Nishioka


Liz Parkinson