Liz Parkinson


Liz Parkinson is an Australian outsider artist, who is self-taught, and predominantly works with black ink on paper. She lives in an area of rainforest by the sea and often the creatures who live there find their way into her drawings. Her work also reflects how she is feeling at the time and she likes to fill up the entire page with intricate patterns.

She grew up in a conservative rural area, and after leaving school, she moved to Sydney where she completed a university degree in economics. A teaching career came next, but later she abandoned this, turning to studying and teaching silversmithing instead. These days she enjoys recording local and family histories, while concentrating on her artwork whenever she can. In the artworld, she is represented in the Collection de l’art brut in Lausanne, with three drawings, and in various public and private art collections.


2016 Outsider Art, Outsider Art Galerie, The Hermitage, Amsterdam

2015 LIZ PARKINSON: Flying Birds at Night, Galerie Dettinger-Mayer, Lyon

2013 Liz Parkinson, Callan Park Gallery, Sydney

2010 Wild Visions, Orange Regional Gallery, Orange NSW Australia

2006 Australian Outsiders, Halle Saint Pierre, Paris


Guillaume Paps


Evelyne Postic