Madge Gill


The tremendous creative outpourings of the mediumistic artist Madge Gill (1882-1961) began after her only daughter died at birth in 1919 and a subsequent illness during which she lost the sight in one eye. Her early life had been no less traumatic. Born in London to an unmarried mother, at the age of nine she was placed in an orphanage and subsequently sent to Canada as a farm servant. Gill returned to London when she was nineteen and before her marriage lived with an aunt, who introduced her to Spiritualism. Gill's discovery of drawing was a direct result of attempts to contact her daughter and one of her sons, who had died during the influenza epidemic of 1918, on the other side.

She maintained that she was guided by a spirit she called Myrninerest and often signed works in that name. Her oeuvre ranges from postcards, produced one after another in all-night sittings, to drawings covering immense rolls of calico, which she finished incrementally, earlier parts of the drawing becoming hidden as the fabric was rolled to reveal a new blank surface. At times Gill exhibited work at amateur art exhibitions in the East End of London, but rarely sold her creations, insisting that the belonged to her spirit guide.


2019 Art & Spirit: Visions of Wonder, The College of Psychic Studies, London

2019 Madge Gill, William Morris Gallery, London

2019 Floral Fantasies between Symbolism and Outsider Art, William Hack Gallery, Germany

2013 Madge Gill: Medium and Visionary, Orleans House Gallery, London

2013 Drawings by Madge Gill, Julian Hartnoll Gallery (curated by Vivienne Roberts), London

2008 British Outsider Art, Halle Saint Pierre, Paris


Leonhard Fink


Daniel Gonçalves