Daniel Gonçalves


Daniel Gonçalves is a self-taught draughtsman and painter from Porto (b.1977) with a deeply genuine creative streak. This gift, combined with a hyperactive personality, led him from an early age to understand the world and to relate to it through his artistic expression. For the last decade he has participated in multiple collective exhibitions held in Porto. In the course of his experimentations searching for a personal style, he has always revealed a particular attention for lines, shapes and colours. Lately he has presented obsessive black-and-white geometric abstract drawings, though spotted by organic elements: a repetitive minimal aesthetic that is more circular than linear.


2019 Strasbourg Art Fair, Galerie Pol Lemetais, France

2019 Outsider Art Fair Paris, Galerie Pol Lemetais, France

2019 2nd Triennial of Self-taught and Visionary Art, Curated by Museum Naive and Marginal Art, ART PAVILION CVIJETA ZUZORIĆ, Belgrade, Serbia

2019 Lusofolia – Senseless Beauty, Oliva Creative Factory, Treger Saint Silvestre Art Collection, São João da Madeira, Portugal

2018 Noctem Diaboli (Devil's Night), curated by Stephen Romano at The Living Gallery Outpost, New York

2018 Musée des Arts Buissoniers à Martigues, Galerie Pol Lemetais, Martigues

2016 2:22, Desenhos de Daniel Gonçalves, Galeria Cruzes Canhoto, Porto


Madge Gill


Ted Gordon