Julia Sisi


Julia Sisi was born 1957 in Argentina, South America. The name her parents gave her was Julia, but she prefers to be called by her last name. In 1976, Argentina was dominated by a military dictatorship and so, in 1981, along with her partner Dan, she emigrated to Spain where they held the status of illegal immigrants for several years. In 2003, at the age of 46, after a nomadic life in pursuit of freedom, Sisi discovered that the space contained in a sheet of paper was the territory in which she could finally dump her mental life and free her inner self. Until that time, Sisi had worked as a bread seller, a clothing seller, a model for artists, a nanny, a craftswoman, and finally, an antiquarian for 20 years in Catalonia.

At the end of 2002, she felt she needed to change her life. She decided to realise her dream of becoming an artist. She moved to the Canary Islands and started showing her paintings online. On the very third day of publishing her works online, a few artists and gallery owners contacted her. And that's how it all started. The drawing is drawn for itself – she believes that she doesn’t make decisions or have preconceived ideas. Instead she waits, listens, and the drawing arrives.

‘To draw... keeps me alive. Because the white sheet of paper is the only space of freedom I have found’.


2020 Outsider Art Fair NYC, American Primitive Gallery, New York

2019 Museum of UnNatural History, Shoreline, WA, USA

2019 2nd Triennial of Visionary Art, MNMU Museum, Belgrade, Serbia

2019 Outsider Art Fair NYC, Raw Vision Magazine, New York

2019 +2 Show, Copenhagen Outsider Art Gallery, Denmark


Dinah Shapiro


Harald Stoffers