Naoki Hakuta (b.1985) began attending the Kobosyu studio in 2005, where he attends five days a week. Initially his art works were entitled ‘full of bugs’ and consisted mainly of paintings of densely packed insects on boards. His current style of artwork began in 2014, where objects and people are broken up into smaller brightly coloured shapes and patterns to make up a whole. Once he decides on the subject (usually plants or flowers but occasionally things he has seen like flamingos at the zoo), he uses a computer for research, to pick one to draw. He then adds his own flair to each piece, always being surprised when he compares his finished work to the original picture he chose.
Hakuta uses ballpoint pen for his work with each piece taking about a month to complete. He first outlines with a black pen and then embarks on adding colour, preferring bold colours with his favourite colour, red, generally taking centre stage. More recently basketball and baseball characters have also appeared in his work.
Naoki smiling in the studio
Click the thumbnails to see larger images and more details. Further artworks are available on request.
Selected Exhibitions
2024 Outsider Art Fair (with Jennifer Lauren), Metropolitan Pavilion, New York
2020 The 1st Art Para Fukagawa Grand Prize, Fukagawa Fudodo Underground Lotus Hall, Tokyo
2019 Rough Diamonds, Embassy of Japan, Washington D.C.
2019 Contemporary Outsider Art Real: What Lies Beyond Contemporary Art, Omotesando GYRE Gallery, Tokyo
2019 A Place of Creativity–The Power of Art to Recognize Each Individuality, Akayama History and Nature Park, Lina Park, Saitama, Japan
2018 Magic Number vol.2, Arts and Creative Mind Gallery, Tokyo
2017 Each Living, Gallery Nayuta, Tokyo
2015 Pokorat National Open vol.5, Arts Chiyoda 3331, Tokyo
2015 Each of the Stories, Another Art Museum, Tochigi, Japan