

Hakunogawa (b.1992, Tokyo) has had a fondness for drawing and doodling since she was a small child. When she was twenty-one, she began a serious undertaking with her self-expression, using A6 size paper and ballpoint pens. She used to have a job, and would spend her breaks working on her art, but now she spends her days in day-care due to mental health issues and this is where she can be seen creating all day. Whenever she has a free moment in a café, on the train or bus, she will be sketching impressions of what she saw or what comes into her mind. She has a preference for places with lots of people, and she will often use cups and drinks she sees as a motif, giving these things anthropomorphic qualities and projecting her thoughts and feelings on to them. Sometimes, she dislikes what she has created however, she will never throw it away. No matter what emotion is attached to a particular piece, she says they are all her valuable creations.

Hakunogawa works mainly in black and white as she has very little money, and colour only features when she has money. In Japan in 2019, a film crew documented the room where she lives as the walls are covered in her drawings.


2019 Outsider Art Fair, Atelier Richelieu, Paris

2018 Art Brut Japonais II, Halle Saint Pierre, Paris


Ted Gordon


Anuja Hoogstad