Cathy Ward


Catharyne Ward (aka Cathy Ward) born 1960 in Kent, England was sent, as a child, to a private convent run by the Irish order of The Sisters of Mercy. This experience had a profound and lasting effect on Ward and her work and still does to this day. Shortly after graduating from the RCA in ceramics and glass under sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi, she went to Banff Canada and rediscovered herself both spiritually and creatively.

The following three decades began with a move to New York and eventual return to London. This period saw her work in many mediums from large-scale painting and installation to film and sculpture. Through bereavement and illness her course changed again and she has since become recognised for her intense ethereal drawings interpreted as hair, strata and energy pulses.

She has collaborated with American artist Eric Wright since 1997 on large-scale sculptural installations, winning Emergency 3 at Aspex Gallery Portsmouth (with a subsequent solo exhibition). She was awarded artist in residence for ‘Madge Gill - Medium & Visionary’ at Orleans House London and is a recipient of The Elephant Trust Award. A forthcoming monograph will be published by Strange Attractor Press & MIT Press.


2019 Outsider Art Fair, Metropolitan Pavilion, New York (with The Good Luck Gallery)

2018 Sub Rosa, Horse Hospital, London

2017 Phantasmata, The Good Luck Gallery, Los Angeles

2014 Outsider Art Fair, New York (with Galerie Toxic)

2006 Utopia, John Michael Kohler Arts Centre, Sheboygan, WI

2004 Talespinning: Selections Fall, The Drawing Centre, New York


William Tyler


George Widener